
長年旅居泰國的台裔陶藝家 Ting,將於 TARTCH 舉辦首次個展「Love Letter to Taiwan」。

這次展出的作品以陶瓷人像系列為主,這也是 Ting 藝術生涯中首次發表此類作品。她的創作不僅僅是技術上的探索,更是情感的傳遞,將內心深處的感受通過手捏陶土的過程具象化。陶土在她手中不僅僅是一種媒材,它帶有原始的生命力與可塑性,能夠真實反映出她對人文、自然與生活的思考。


透過高溫燒製技法,展現了豐富的材質變化與質感細節。Ting 善於運用細膩上色技巧,使得人物的面容與姿態展現出獨特的層次感和溫潤的質地。在燒製過程中,陶土從柔軟變得堅硬,這不僅象徵著創作中的脆弱與堅韌,也體現了她對工藝的精準掌握。

她希望觀眾能透過這些作品,感受到她對台灣的深厚情感,以及她每次回到這片土地時,那份無法言喻的親切與歸屬感。同時,也希望提醒觀者,透過Ting 用雙手捏陶的人物,可以重新感受一份返樸歸真的純粹。

詳細介紹Product Introduction

長年旅居泰國的台裔陶藝家 Ting,將於 TARTCH 舉辦首次個展「Love Letter to Taiwan」。

這次展出的作品以陶瓷人像系列為主,這也是 Ting 藝術生涯中首次發表此類作品。她的創作不僅僅是技術上的探索,更是情感的傳遞,將內心深處的感受通過手捏陶土的過程具象化。陶土在她手中不僅僅是一種媒材,它帶有原始的生命力與可塑性,能夠真實反映出她對人文、自然與生活的思考。


透過高溫燒製技法,展現了豐富的材質變化與質感細節。Ting 善於運用細膩上色技巧,使得人物的面容與姿態展現出獨特的層次感和溫潤的質地。在燒製過程中,陶土從柔軟變得堅硬,這不僅象徵著創作中的脆弱與堅韌,也體現了她對工藝的精準掌握。

她希望觀眾能透過這些作品,感受到她對台灣的深厚情感,以及她每次回到這片土地時,那份無法言喻的親切與歸屬感。同時,也希望提醒觀者,透過Ting 用雙手捏陶的人物,可以重新感受一份返樸歸真的純粹。

Ting Chu is a Taiwanese artist who has spent most of her life in Thailand. Her art celebrates authen- ticity and introspection, created in a judgment-free environment fostering creativity. Ting's work includes illustrations and ceramics, influenced by her diverse experiences and a love for art cultivated since her youth. Her art represents a journey of self-discovery, often reflecting Jungian psychological themes. Ting's approach to art and life is guided by passion, curiosity, and dedication to others, marked by an embrace of openness and trust in natural progression.

- 'Lost & Found': group ceramics exhibition at the ATTA Gallery in Bangkok, Thailand.
- 'Kudos; To Everyone Involved': a solo ceramics exhibition at the Meeting Room Art Gallery in Chiangmai, Thailand.

- 'Another World': group exhibition at Halo House, Chiangmai, Thailand.
- 'From Bulan to Prachan' (part one): group exhibition at Jetty 35, Penang, Malaysia.
- 'From Bulan to Prachan' (part two): group exhibition at Dhepsiri Creative Space, Chiangmai, Thailand.

- "Thailand Comic Illustration Special Exhibition" at Auditorium, Macau Tower, Macau.

- 'Till Clay Do Us Part': a group ceramics exhibition at the Meeting Room Art Gallery in Chiangmai, Thailand.

- '22 K': group ceramics exhibition at Hotel Des Artists, Chiangmai, Thailand.
- 'Pots and Omelettes': a group ceramics exhibition at the Meeting Room Art Gallery in Chiangmai, Thailand.

- 'Dirty Hands': a group ceramics exhibition at the Meeting Room Art Gallery in Chiangmai, Thailand.

- Illustration for "Walk to Freedom" by Pramuan Pengchan, Ph.D.
awarded by the Office of the Basic Education Commission; Spark Awards '51;
Seven Books Award (4th edition); ranked in the top 20 books for female prisoners, Khon Kaen.

- The "Nong Fan" design, symbolizing hope and unity,

won a contest to promote Chiang Mai's heritage, supporting its bid for World Heritage status.

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