- Artist
詳細介紹Product Introduction
吉田紳平曾參加過日本和國外的展覽,他的作品充滿吸引力與想像空間。因為經歷祖母的過世,開啟了他一系列的肖像畫創作,”她在那裡,但也不在那裡。”簡短的字句,完美地捕捉了他作品的情緒,他作品中的對象,通常是來自周圍環境的人物,如朋友和家人,吉田紳平將他們運用攝影捕捉下來,並用柔和的色彩繪製他們。他將自己的肖像畫與信件相提並論 ,試圖將日常記憶和相處時光融入其中。
我第一次接觸人類離開人世的瞬間,是我祖母過世時的那刻。他在家中床上停止呼吸的瞬間 ,正值6月剛開始的炎炎夏日。
Shimpei Yoshida was born in 1992 in Nara Prefecture. In 2014, he graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design, and then in 2018 he took part an artist resi-dence program in the artist-run space FRISE, Germany. Since then, he has been using found-photography and installation works to make a colored pencil portrait series, taking inspiration from his own personal experiences.
He has taken part in exhibitions in Japan and abroad, displaying his attractive works. he began his series of portraits in response to his grandmother's death: "She is there but not." With this short sentence, which captures the mood of his work perfectly, he usually portrays people from his immediate environment like friends and family and paints them in muted colors. He compares his portraits to letters in which he tries to incorporate everyday memories as well as shared moments.
A body left by the soul is like an empty house where nobody lives.
When my grandmother passed away, I have encountered the moment of human death for the first time. On an early summer day in June, she ceased breathing on her bed at home. I clearly remember with palpable sense those moments of the day before and the morning after her death, when I saw her body. Her pale gray eyes, which I saw for the last time, the softness of her bed linen, a few pieces of furniture and an old CRT-TV beside a window, all those impressions have been kept in my vision as if they still existed. I am looking at my grandmother’s body, but at the same time I know she doesn’t exist. She is there but not. This sense of inexistence seems to correspond to the subtle feeling I carry when I paint por-traits day-to-day. Those events in ordinary life, nothing special and not spoken loudly in the history.
藝術家履歷 Curriculum Vitae
・個展: Absence of bedroom (日本)
・個展: unreadable letter (日本)
・個展: An unforgettable room (日本)
・個展: For example, it is the wind against your cheek (日本)
・個展: Blick der Imagination (德國)
・個展: That star at night is closer than you think (日本)
・聯展:There was a silent night on my side (德國
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