- Artist
Cindy Wang
王怡璇Cindy出生於高雄台灣,從十幾歲開始一直在外國留學或旅行到 現在定居在新加坡,不同的生活文化與旅行體驗,深深地影響Cindy的生 活態度與藝術創作,進而醞釀屬於Cindy以趣味和豐富想像力,充滿了色 彩繽紛的奇幻藝術世界︒透過作品完整傳達Cindy在繪畫︑材質︑ 想法︑空 間互動等面向的概念,藝術創作的構想是出自於孤獨沈思,一股由心平氣 和的寧靜,綻放出來的斑斕彩光,從作品更衍生出自我藝術療癒︒
詳細介紹Product Introduction
王怡璇Cindy出生於高雄台灣,從十幾歲開始一直在外國留學或旅行到 現在定居在新加坡,不同的生活文化與旅行體驗,深深地影響Cindy的生 活態度與藝術創作,進而醞釀屬於Cindy以趣味和豐富想像力,充滿了色 彩繽紛的奇幻藝術世界︒透過作品完整傳達Cindy在繪畫︑材質︑ 想法︑空 間互動等面向的概念,藝術創作的構想是出自於孤獨沈思,一股由心平氣 和的寧靜,綻放出來的斑斕彩光,從作品更衍生出自我藝術療癒︒
- Creative Communication Award 2022 | Iris Zoo | Exhibition Design
- Creative Communication Award 2022 | The Flower Dance of Illusion | Typography
- London International Creative Competition Awards | 06/2022 | The Flower Dance of Illusion | Typog- raphy Design
- London International Creative Competition Awards | 06/2022 | Iris Zoo | Exhibition Design
- IDA Design Awards | 2022 | Iris Zoo | Silver in Print | Exhibition Design
- IDA Design Awards | 2022 | Iris Zoo | The Flower Dance of Illusion | Typography Design
- GOOD DESIGN Awards Exhibition / 2022 / The Flower Dance of Illusion / The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design / International Juried Group Exhibition
- TDC Design Award (USA) 2021 - Drinking Alone with the Moon | Typography Excellence
- Creative Communication Award 2021 - Drinking Alone with the Moon | Typography, Best of Best
- Creative Communication Award 2021 - The Story of Shape | Other and Exhibition Design, Best of Best
- London International Creative Competition Awards | 06/2021 | The Story of Shape | Exhibition Design
- London International Creative Competition Awards | 06/2021 | Drinking Alone with the Moon | Ty- pography Design D&AD Awards | 06/2021 | The Story of Shape | Exhibition Design | Wood Pencil | UK
- The ADC 100TH Annual Award | 06/2021 | Drinking Alone with the Moon | Typography Innovation | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2021 | Drinking Alone with the Moon | Typography/ Typeface Design| MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2021 | Drinking Alone with the Moon | Craft/Printing & Paper Craft | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- The International Design Award | 12/2020 | The Story of Shape | Exhibition Design | Gold Award |USA
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2020 | The Story of Shape | Exhibition Design | MERIT | USA
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2018 | Paula Ko 50 Birthday Gift | Product Design | USA
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2018 | Jeffery & Doris Wedding | Product Design | USA
- The ADC 96TH Annual Award | 04/2017 | Booklets, Brochures, & Product Catalogues | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA The ADC 96TH Annual Award | 04/2017 | Booklets, Brochures, & Product Catalogues | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- The ADC 96TH Annual Award | 04/2017 | Branding | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2017 | Branding | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA4GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2016 | In between / Dora Maar / Cat | Publication Design | USA
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2016 | Arctic (In between / Dora Maar / Cat) | Product Design | USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2016 | In between / Dora Maar / Cat | Product Design | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2016 | In between / Dora Maar / Cat | Craft / Printing and Paper Craft | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- Art Director Club (ADC Award) | 04/2016| In between / Dora Maar / Cat | Product Design | MERIT
AWARD | Germany
- Art Director Club (ADC Award) | 04/2016| In between / Dora Maar / Cat | Publication Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- iF Communication Design Award | 02/2016 | In-between/Dora Maar/cat | Publication Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2015| Typoform Zoo | Publication Design | USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2015 | Paris Gateaux | Packaging Design | MERIT AWARD | New York, USA
- One Show Design Award | 04/2015 | TYPOFORM ZOO | Craft / Printing and Paper Craft | MER- IT AWARD | New York, USA
- German Design Award | 11/2014| Paris Gateaux | Packaging Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 12/2014| Paris Gateaux | Packaging Design | USA
- reddot Communication Design Award | 10/2014| Paris Gateaux | Packaging Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- iF Communication Design Award | 2014 | Research Project_d_Asia | Publication Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- iF Communication Design Award | 2013 | Research Project_d_Asia | Publication Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- iF Communication Design Award | 2010 | Research Project_Visual Circus | Print Media | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- HKDA Global Design Awards | 2013 | Research Project_d_Asia | MERIT AWARD | Hong Kong
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 2013 | Research Project_d_Asia | Publication Design | USA
- GOOD DESIGN Award | 2012 | Research Project_d_Asia | Publication Design | USA
- Design for Asia Award | 2012 | Research Project_d_Asia | Publication Design | BRONZE AWARD | Hong Kong
- Design for Asia Award | 2010 | Research Project_Visual Circus | Publication Design | GOLD AWARD | Hong Kong
- reddot Communication Design Award | 2011 | The Chinese Wedding Project | Advertising Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- reddot Communication Design Award | 2011 | The Chinese Wedding Project | Corporate Design | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- reddot Communication Design Award | 2010 | Research Project_Visual Circus | Print Media | MERIT AWARD | Germany
- Golden Butterfly Award 金蝶獎—台灣出版設計大獎 | 2013 | Research Project_d_Asia | Finalist | Taiwan
- Golden Butterfly Award 金蝶獎—台灣出版設計大獎 | 2011 | Research Project_Visual Circus | EX- CELLENCE AWARD | Taiwan
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