Fuchen Chu

Born in Taipei in 1992, he taught himself photography while studying at the National Taipei University of Education. He also studied printmaking briefly in the IDEAS print studio in Keelung, Taiwan and Trois-Rivières, Canada, and is currently studying for his PhD in printmaking at the Tokyo University of the Arts. He specializes in capturing the light and shadow of architecture through photography and visual deconstruction and reconstruction, and transforming them into water-based woodblock prints.

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The visual field is a frame for seeing, and according to the painting theory of
Alberti, painting is paralleled with windows. Drawing on the analogy of painting
as a window, Chu uses his work as a conduit to open a gateway between the
material and spiritual realms, an excellent way to explore "seeing". And by
layering vivid and realistic imagery sourced from photography, he creates
scenes that are reminiscent of traditional Japanese water-based woodblock
prints; using framing and composition, Chu invites the viewer to reconsider and
delve deeper into the very nature of visual perception and explore the myriad of
other worlds that emerge from this framework.

Award History:
2017-2019 Kamigata Scholarship Foundation awardee
2019 National Exhibition Incentive Award
2019 Itakura Exhibition Newton Award, Metro Foundation Award
2019 Mitsubishi Charity Art Auction
2019 Fei Art Print Award Grand Prize
2019 University Print Exhibition award recipient
2020 Miya Rotary Club Scholarship awardee
2020 Selected for the 19th National Print Biennial of the Republic of China

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